Monday, September 30, 2013

Through the tunnel

Mr. Fitz I can't log on to my fenn google account, ill talk to tech about this tomorrow. For the immediate matter of this post though I will just use this blog. Forgive the silly picture, It wont update to the modern one, it should be amusing though.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The GTX 770

As all computer gurus know, building your first personal computer from scratch is an intensely interesting and difficult process, a trial by fire into the world of the PC. Those who have built a gaming PC also are keenly familiar with the expense of such a project, as these custom machines can run up to tens of thousands of dollars!  There are so many different companies in the market that there is always a new better part being created, which means its very hard to keep a computer "up to snuff" so to speak. Luckily in the ever expanding and evolving world of the PC the more money one spends on a particular part, the greater longevity you can expect from it. Anyway anyone who has built a robust gaming computer knows that the graphics card is the biggest money pit in the whole process. The graphics card will be responsible for how beautiful your games look when you play them, and how may frames per second (the more the merrier) you can achieve while doing so. In my personal quest I have settled upon the GTX 770, a card whose creators are doing an excellent job of providing the consumer with the best bang for their buck. I have linked a video about the card which does an excellent job of illustrating how the card performs, what it looks like, and if it is worth the considerable amount of money you would have to spend your hands one. Good luck in your endeavors dear readers, whatever they may be.

GTX 770 benchmarks video

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hi, my name is Clem Tarpey, I have an interest in football (soccer), lacrosse, pc gaming, philosophy, thought experiments, and Vsauce. You can expect to see a good amount of moral conundrum questions, the odd pc part review, and also things I find beneficial to read or watch. Also as the name of the blog states this is a highly serious and sophisticated blog about perpetual, dark, and all encompassing loneliness in our world today. If you only take away one thing from this blog make sure it is this: Clem Tarpey, friend to the friendless will always be there, complementing the un-complemented, smiling at the un-smiled upon, and facebook friending the un-facebook friended. Till next time readers, au revoir.